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Exercise Options to Improve Fitness

Les Mills BodyAttack - A full-on, high-energy cardio workout to energizing tunes. This high intensity class improves agility, coordination, strength & endurance, and improves heart & lung fitness. Be unstoppable!

Les Mills Sprint - Not your usual cycle class. It’s high intensity interval training ((HIIT) on a bike! It’s a quick and hard style of training with short bursts of intensity followed by short periods of active recovery, delivers you fast results with minimal impact! Virtual in-studio classes available in off-peak times for your convenience

Les Mills BodyCombat - A challenging mix of martial arts and endurance, unleashing strength you never knew you had. This high intensity class tones & shapes, increases strength & endurance and builds self-confidence

SwimFit - Swim, jog or walk make use of the expert coaches on hand to enhance your technique and follow their programme or do your own thing. This you set the pace session improves heart & lung fitness, increases sense of energy & endurance.

Aquafit- Non-impact fitness session in the pool.

RPM - High intensity interval training set to tunes that will get your pulse racing. You set the pace in this class which improves heart & lung fitness, increases strength & endurance. Get results faster. Virtual in-studio classes available in off-peak times for your convenience

Les Mills Sh'Bam - Cut loose to the hottest new workout with fun moves and shaking’ tunes. This moderate intensity class burns calories, tones & shapes develops self-expression and improves coordination. Free yourself.

Metafit - Metafit is a style of high intensity interval training (HIIT) and is designed to boost your fitness, rocket your energy levels & get massive results in the shortest amount of time possible.

F2 Max - Take your workout to the next level with this high intensity and challenging class. Utilise all your major muscle groups with a wide variety of exercises that have been designed to push your body to the max!

The Trip - Take a virtual journey through digitally created worlds on this 45-minute, multi-peak cycling workout class held in-studio at Northern Arena.



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