We now have now installed two massive marquees in the YARD. This now means:
We have an ALL-WEATHER solution, so you can workout at Northern Arena rain or shine.
We are able to offer MORE CAPACITY for classes and run ‘double bubbles’. You’ll see two sessions for each class on the timetable. Bubble 1 and bubble 2.
If you’re not a fan of doing classes, we will have a range of gym equipment available in our OUTDOOR GYM from Tuesday. These will be sessions available for you to book online (ensuring that we don’t exceed the maximum of 10 people at any one time). Just like the classes these sessions are a pay as you go system. Once you’ve booked, it will take you to a payment page to secure your booking. Your actual gym membership will continue to be on hold.
Our PERSONAL TRAINERS are fully available and have a range of options to help you train during this stage of level 3. If you’re lacking some motivation or need a kick start, send us a message/email and we’ll get you connected with one of our awesome trainers.
We like to put a massive shout out to Carlton Party Hire on the speedy turnaround to get these up and running for you!
To check out the timetable, book and pay, click here
We can't wait to see you again.
The Team at Northern Arena